Wednesday, January 23, 2008

OCD Mic Check Checks Checker

Early last night in Erie, Pennsylvania, OCD Anonymous, a support group for sufferers of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, had to cut short its monthly meeting when its first speaker failed to break out of a debilitating forty-five minute microphone check.

The speaker, who asked to remain anonymous, reported he was overcome with an unyielding sense that the microphone may not have been working properly despite the sound he may or may not have heard coming from the PA system.

Other members of the group, who also asked to remain anonymous, say this isn't the first time a member relapsed in their midst. Last July, first the presiding chairperson, and then each remaining member, became lost in tallying a show of hands over how they were going to handle clean up duties after each meeting.

Organizers say they will continue meeting despite this setback. One member, speaking for the group, summed it up, "We will continue meeting, again and again and again...and again and again, until we are free of this obtrusive, debilitating disorder."

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